Other Profiles
Sr.No | Test Code | Test Name | Sample for Analysis & Required volume | Container for Primary sampling | Method | Temp | Schedule | Reporting | MRP | Special Instructions |
1 | BG004 | ANA BLOT Profile | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | Blotting | R | 1&3&5 | 1&3&5 (18:00) | 6000 | |
2 | BG005 | Anemia Profile Ferritin, Folate Serum (Folic Acid), Iron, Iron Binding Capacity – Total (TIBC), Transferrin, Vitamin – B12, % Iron Saturation, Complete Blood Count (CBC). | Serum (1 mL)/Whole blood (3 mL) | SST/ Lavender Top (EDTA) | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1800 | |
3 | BG006 | Ante Natel Profile Creatinine, Glucose – Random, Complete Urine Analysis (CUE), BleedingTime, Blood Grouping (A,B,O) and RH Factor, Clotting Time, Complete Blood Count (CBC), Hepatitis B Surface antigen (HBsAg)-Rapid, HIV 1 & 2 Antibody-Rapid, HCV Rapid ,Plasma Reagin (RPR Test) | Serum (1 mL)/Plasma(1 mL)/Whole blood/Random Urine (10 mL) | SST/ Grey Top (Sodium Fluoride)/ Lavender Top (EDTA)/Sterile Container | RIT | A/R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 950 | |
4 | BG007 | Anti Thyroid Antibodies Profile AMA&ATG | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1800 | |
5 | BG008 | ArthritisProfile CRP,RA Factor,Anti Nuclear Antibody,Uric Acid ,ASO,Complement C3 ,Complement C4,ALP,Calcium | Serum (1 mL) | SST | RIT | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1450 | |
6 | BG009 | AutoimmuneHepatitisProfile ANA AMA ASMA LKM-1 Antibody | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA/IFA | R | 1 &3&5 | 1&3&5 (18:00) | 5500 | |
7 | BG010 | BOH (BAD OBSTETRIC HISTORY) Profile Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Lupus Anticoagulant, Anti Nuclear Antibody, Anti Phospholipid IgG Antibody, Cardiolipin IgG Antibody, Cytomegalovirus IgG Antibody, Cytomegalovirus IgM Antibody, Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgG, Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgM, Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgG, Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgM, Rubellavirus IgG Antibody, Rubellavirus IgM Antibody, Toxoplasma gondii IgG Antibody, Toxoplasma gondii IgM Antibody | Serum (1 mL)/Plasma Citrated (1mL) | Red Top/Blue Top | RIT | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 4200 | |
8 | BG011 | Cancer Profile-Male CBC, CEA, AFP, Beta HCG, CA19.9, PSA Total | Serum (1 mL)/Whole Blood (3 ml) | Red Top/lavender Top ( k2 EDTA | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 2760 | |
9 | BG012 | Cancer Screening – Female CBC, CEA, AFP, Beta HCG, CA19.9, CA125,CA15.3 | Serum (1 mL)/Whole Blood (3 ml) | Red Top/lavender Top ( k2 EDTA | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 3120 | |
10 | BG013 | Cardiac Profile Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/IMOT), Creatine Kinase MB (CK-MB), Creatinine Kinase (CPK), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 960 | |
11 | BG014 | Cardiao Vascular Risk Profile Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/IMOT), Creatine Kinase MB (CK-MB), Creatinine Kinase (CPK), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH),Pro BNP,Homocystein,Myoglobin,Troponin I ,Troponin IT | Serum (1 mL)/Whole Blood (3 ml) | Red Top/lavender Top ( EDTA | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 7200 | |
12 | BG015 | Cardiolipin Profile Cardiolipin IgA Antibody, Cardiolipin IgG Antibody, Cardiolipin IgM Antibody | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1920 | |
13 | BG016 | CBC Profile Complete Blood Count (CBC), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Peripheral Smear and Examination | Whole Blood (3 ml) | Lavender Top ( k2 EDTA) | RIT | A/R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 360 | |
14 | BG017 | Celiac Profile Ttg IgA, Gliadin IgG & IgA Antibodies) | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 3600 | |
15 | BG018 | Coagulation Profile- PT,APTT,Platelets | Whole Blood (3 ml)/Plasma Citrated (1mL) | lavender Top ( k2 EDTA)/Blue Top | RIT | R | Daily | 10 :00/18:00 | 600 | |
16 | BG019 | Collagen Profile ANA, ds_DNA, PR3,MPO, C3, C4,CRP, RF, UA | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT/ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 4560 | |
17 | BG020 | Dengue Profile-Elisa Dengue IgG,Dengue IgM,Dengue NS1 Ag | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 2400 | |
18 | BG021 | Dengue Profile-Rapid Dengue IgG,Dengue IgM,Dengue NS1 Ag | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | Immunochromatography | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 2040 | |
19 | BG022 | Diabetic Profile Lipid Profile, UA, Crea, Blood Sugar (Fast&PP),HBA1c,Insulin,Microalbuminuria, | Serum (2 mL)/Plasma Fluroide/WB-EDTA (3 mL)/Urine (5 mL) | Red Top/Blue Top/lavender Top ( k2 EDTA)/Sterile Container | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1800 | |
20 | BG023 | Dialysis Profile Total Protein, Albumin, ALP, Calcium, Phosphorus,Uric acid, Creatinine, BUN, Electrolytes, Glucose, CBC, IM OT, IMPT, Billurubin total, Urea | Serum (2 mL)/Plasma Fluroide/WB-EDTA (3 mL) | Red Top/Blue Top/lavender Top ( k2 EDTA) | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1440 | Clinical history required |
21 | BG024 | Double Marker Free Beta HCG, PAPPA | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | CLIA | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 2160 | |
22 | BG025 | Drugs of Abuse (Qualitative – 6 Drug Panel) Amphetamines,Barbiturates, Benzodiazepine, Cocaine, Opiates,Cannabinoids | Urine (5 mL) | Sterile container | Immunochromatography | A | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 2400 | |
23 | BG026 | Drugs of Abuse (Qualitative – 9 Drug Panel) Amphetamine, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Opiates, Methadone, Phencyclidine and Tetrahydrocannabinoids | Urine (5 mL) | Sterile container | Immunochromatography | A | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 3600 | |
24 | BG027 | Electrolyte Profile-Serum Sodium,Potassium,Chloride | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | ISE | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 360 | |
25 | BG028 | Electrolyte Profile-Urine Sodium,Potassium,Chloride | Urine (5 mL) | Sterile container | ISE | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 480 | |
26 | BG029 | Extractable Nuclear Antigens(ENA) Profile Sm, U1RNP, SS-A/Ro, SS-B/La, Jo-1, Scl-70, Centromere | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | 1 &3&5 | 1&3&5 (18:00) | 8400 | |
27 | BG036 | Fever Profile CBC, CUE, Widal, MP, ESR | Serum (2 mL)/WB-EDTA (3 mL)/Urine (5 mL) | Red Top/lavender Top ( k2 EDTA)/Sterile container | RIT | A/R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 480 | |
28 | BG037 | Gastritis Profile- Intrinsic Factor Abs, Parietal Cell Abs | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA/IFA | R | 1&3 &5 | 1&3&5 (18:00) | 3600 | |
29 | BG038 | Hepatitis B Marker Profile Hepatitis B envelope Antibody (AntiHBe), Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen (HBeAg), Hepatitis B surface Antibody Total (Anti HBs), Hepatitis B Surface antigen (HBsAg), Hepatitis Core Antibody IgM (Anti HBc – IgM), Hepatitis Core Antibody Total (HBcAb- Total) | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 3600 | |
30 | BG039 | Hepatitis C Profile HCV RNA PCR Viral load & Anti HCV Antibodies | Serum (2 mL)/EDTA Plasma (3 mL) | Red Top/lavender Top | RT-PCR/ELISA | R | Daily | Next day (11:00) | 7200 | |
31 | BG040 | Hepatitis Profile– Hepatitis A virus – IgM (HAV- IgM), Hepatitis A virus – Total (HAV IgG), Hepatitis B envelope Antibody (AntiHBe), Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen (HBeAg), Hepatitis B surface Antibody Total (Anti HBs), Hepatitis B Surface antigen (HBsAg), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV Antibody), Hepatitis Core Antibody IgM (Anti HBc IgM), Hepatitis Core Antibody Total (HBcAb- Total), Hepatitis E virus – IgM (HEV IgM) | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 6000 | |
32 | BG041 | HIV 123 Profile- HIV1 & 2 Ab, HIV 1 &2-Chromatography,HIV 1 & 2 Immunofilteration | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 480 | HIV Conscent form required |
33 | BG042 | HIV-Monitoring I (CD3/ CD4/ CD8, HIV Viral Load) | EDTA Plasma (3 mL) | lavender Top | RIT | R | 1&3 &5 | 1&3&5 (18:00) | 5400 | Clinical history required |
34 | BG043 | HIV-Monitoring II (CD3/ CD4/ CD8, HIV Viral Load,HIV 1 & 2, Western Blot, ) | EDTA Plasma (3 mL)/Serum (1 mL) | lavender Top /Red Top/SST | RIT | R | 1&3 &5 | 1&3&5 (18:00) | 7800 | |
35 | BG044 | HSV Profile HSV – I (IgG& IgG M), HSV- II (IgG&IgG M) | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 2040 | |
36 | BG045 | Hypertension Profile Calcium, Chloride, Cholesterol – Total, Cholesterol – HDL, Cholesterol – LDL, Creatinine, Glucose- Fasting, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium (Na), Triglycerides, Urea, Uric Acid, Total cholesterol/HDL ratio, Cholesterol VLDL, LDL / HDL Ratio, Complete Urine Analysis (CUE) | Serum (2 mL)/Urine(5mL)/Plasma (1 mL) | Red Top/Sterile container/Grey Top | RIT | A/R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 900 | |
37 | BG046 | Immune Check Profile Measles IgG & IgM, Rubella IgG & IgM, Mumps IgG&IgM, Varicella zoster IgG & IgM, Diptheria & Tetanus IgG) | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | 10200 | |
38 | BG047 | Immunoglobin Profile IgG, IgM, IgA | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | Immunoturbidometry | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1200 | |
39 | BG048 | Infectious Serology-Elisa HIV,HCV,HBsAg | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1080 | HIV Conscent form required |
40 | BG049 | Infectious Serology-Rapid HIV,HCV,HBsAg | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | Immunochromatography | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1200 | HIV Conscent form required |
41 | BG051 | Iron Profile-I Iron,TIBC,Iron Saturation,Transferrin | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 480 | |
42 | BG052 | Iron Profile-II Iron, TIBC, Ferritin, Iron Saturation Index,Transferrin | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 720 | |
43 | BG053 | Kidney Profile Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Sodium, Potassium ,Chloride | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 720 | |
44 | BG054 | Lipid Profile Cholesterol Total, Cholesterol – HDL, Cholesterol – LDL, Triglycerides, Total cholesterol/HDL ratio, Cholesterol VLDL, LDL / HDL Ratio | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 480 | |
45 | BG055 | Liver Function Test (LFT) Alanine Transaminase (ALT/IMPT), Albumin, Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Aspartate Aminotransferase (IMOT), Bilirubin Direct, Bilirubin Total, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT), Globulin, Protein Total, Bilirubin Indirect, Albumin / Globulin Ratio | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 600 | |
46 | BG056 | Lupus Anticoagulant Profile Lupus Anticoagulant, APTT, PT | Plasma (3 mL) | Light Blue Top (Sodium Citrate) | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1440 | |
47 | BG057 | Newborn Screening Panel I TSH and G6DP | 1 drop of heel prick blood | Filter Paper | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1200 | |
48 | BG058 | Newborn Screening Panel II 17 OHP, G-6-PD and TSH | 1 drop of heel prick blood | Filter Paper | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1800 | |
49 | BG059 | Newborn Screening Panel III TSH, G-6 -PD,Biotinidase a nd Phenylketonuria (PKU) | 1 drop of heel prick blood | Filter Paper | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 2400 | |
50 | BG060 | Newborn Screening Panel IV (G6PD,TSH,Phenylketonuria (PKU),Cystic Fibrosis,17-OHP,Galactosemia,Biotinidase | 1 drop of heel prick blood | Filter Paper | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 4200 | |
51 | BG061 | Obesity Profile– T3, T4, TSH, Lipid Profile,Electrolytes, Calcium, Creatinne, Phosphorus, Uric acid | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1440 | |
52 | BG062 | PCOD Profile LH, FSH, PRL, Testo, Insulin, Glucose | Serum (2 mL)/Sodium fluoride Plasma | Red Top/Grey Top | RIT | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1200 | |
53 | BG063 | Phospholipid antibody Profile– Lupus Anti Coagulant, Anti Phospholipid IgG &IgM, Anti Cardiolipin IgG & IgM, Beta 2Glycoprotien IgG & IgM ) | Serum (1 mL)/Plasma(1 mL) | Red Top/Blue Top | RIT | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 4200 | |
54 | BG064 | Pre-Operative Profile- Blood Group & Rh Factor Urea ,Creatinine ,Glucose Random ,HBsAg Rapid HCV Rapid ,Prothrombin Time Complete Blood Count (CBC), ,Urine Examination,HIV Rapid Screen | Serum (1 mL)/Plasma(1 mL)/Whole blood/Random Urine (10 mL) | SST/ Grey Top (Sodium Fluoride)/ Lavender Top (EDTA)/Sterile Container | RIT | A/R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1080 | HIV Conscent form required |
55 | BG065 | Prostatic Profile Prostate Specific Antigen (Free), Prostate Specific Antigen (Total), Ratio of Free PSA/Total PSA. | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | CLIA | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 1200 | |
56 | BG066 | Quadruple Marker AFP, B-hCG, UE3 & Inhibin A | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 2880 | Clinical history required |
57 | BG067 | Renal Profile- Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Calcium, Creatinine, Uric Acid | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | CLIA | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 600 | |
58 | BG079 | SLE (SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS) Profile-ANA, ds-DNA Antibody, Sm antibody, Phospholipid antibody IgG, Phospholipid antibody IgM | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 4800 | |
59 | BG080 | STD Panel- HIV1 & 2 Antibody, HBsAg, HCV,HSV -2 IgM , HSV -2 IgG , Anti Chlamydia Antibody IgG , Anti Chlamydia Antibody IgM, RPR,TPHA | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | 2 & 5 | 2 & 5 (18:00) | 8208 | |
60 | BG081 | Surgical Profile Hemoglobin,Blood grouping & RH typing,HIV- Rapid,HBsAg Rapid,HCV Rapid, Glucose Random | Whole Blood (3 ml)/Serum (1mL)/Sodium flouride | Red top/Lavender Top ( k2 EDTA)/Sodium flouide Gry top | RIT | A/R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 960 | |
61 | BG082 | Thallasemia Profile- Ferritin, Iron, Iron Binding Capacity – Total (TIBC), Complete Blood Count (CBC), Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. | Serum (2 mL)/WB-EDTA (3 mL | Red Top/lavender Top | RIT | R | Daily | Next day (18::00 ) | 1920 | |
62 | BG083 | Thrombocheck Profile Protein C, Protein S, Lupus Anticoagulant , Anti Phospholipid IgG & IgM, Anti Cardiolipin IgG & IgM Homocysteine, Anti Thrombin III,D-Dimer | Serum (3mL) Citrate Plasma (3mL) | Red Top/Light Blue Top (Sodium Citrate) | RIT | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 10800 | |
63 | BG090 | TORCH 10 Profile (IgG & IgM) | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 2040 | |
64 | BG091 | TORCH 8 Profile (IgG & IgM) | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1800 | |
65 | BG092 | TORCH Profile – 4 IgG | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1080 | |
66 | BG093 | TORCH Profile – 4 IgM | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1080 | |
67 | BG094 | TORCH Profile – 5 IgG | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1200 | |
68 | BG095 | TORCH Profile – 5 IgM | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 1200 | |
69 | BG096 | Triple Marker Beta HCG, AFP, E3 | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | CLIA | R | Daily | 10:30/17:30 | 2160 | |
70 | BG097 | VASCULITIS Profile- ANA, ANCA-MPO, ANCA-PR3, Anti – ds-DNA | Serum (1 mL) | Red Top/SST | ELISA | R | Daily | Same day (19:00) | 4800 | |
71 | BG098 | Vitamin B Complex Profile Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B9 (Folic acid), Vitamin B12 | Serum (2 mL) | Red Top/SST | RIT | R | Daily | 6 Days | 7200 |